Reiki Healing In Delhi

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Reiki Healing In Delhi

Welcome to Astroreikim, a reiki healing center. We are a team of qualified and experienced professionals who have been offering healing sessions by using a variety of therapies, techniques and modalities. We provide natural healing for a variety of conditions including emotional distress, stress, relationship issues and many more.

As a practicing Reiki Grandmaster and healer for the past 30 years, being certified by The College of Universal Healing Arts, I use my skills to assist people with their health, relationship, financial and spiritual challenges. Our holistic therapies include past life regression, hypnosis, counselling, and the healing touch. We also have a professional reiki training program for students to learn about reiki healing in Najafgarh, Delhi.


Dr. Mikao Usui rediscovers an old style of Tibetan healing (lay-on-hands healing technique) to assist him in his mission to bring this most effective form of healing energy back to the world. This simple and proven method brings about deep relaxation, reduces stress and illness, helps restore lost vitality and youthfulness, and protects you from negative influences. Reiki can be applied to physical ailments such as headaches, digestive problems, irregular heartbeats, allergies and more. Reiki also helps release limiting energies from spirit attachments that are causing difficulty during transitions or unsettling influences in your life

If you have ever had the need to heal, or if you are just curious about the power of Reiki and how it works, book now to receive a free introductory session and see for yourself.

Is stress affecting your life? Reiki Healing in Delhi is the best way to treat your stress and find peace. In just an hour session, you can be back at ease.

The Art of Healing, Loving, and Living: REIKI TOUCH & HEAL

Healing Sessions. A session with reiki is a very personal experience where the client receives healing from an energy field. At first, it appears as if the healing sessions have the same purpose as any other medical procedure. However, this is not the case. The energies of reiki are able to heal anything by creating a new healthy balance in our lives and making us feel better physically and emotionally.


Once you receive an attunement from a Reiki Master, the energy centres are opened and you can start enjoying the benefits of this healing practice. After this, you'll develop a deeper sense of connection with the Universe, becoming more in tune with yourself and others; preparing for a positive life experience.

Reiki is a Japanese gift from the past, and still one of the top healing modalities today. It comes from the essence of the Universe and is taught a little differently than other forms of healing, such as counselling or hypnosis. The main Reiki practice is to focus on your own aura with your hands after being attuned to the energy of the Universe and/or Divine Cosmos through a ceremony/initiation process. This opens up a huge range of healing powers, both physically & spiritually.

The purpose of Reiki is to help you focus and tap into your own innate powers of healing. Reiki is a beautiful, simple way to relax and unwind during moments in your day that feel stressful and busy. The benefits of Reiki are numerous as it will bring about a positive shift in the personality’s awareness of your own inner balance and equilibrium.